var h = (function () {
function deref(fn) {;
var slice = deref(Array.prototype.slice);
// Lodash code starts here
var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER =9007199254740991;
function isObject(value) {
var type =typeof value;
return value !=null&& (type =='object'|| type =='function');
function isLength(value) {
returntypeof value =='number'&& value >-1&& value %1==0&& value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
function isArrayLike(value) {
return value !=null&& isLength(value.length) &&!isFunction(value);
function isObjectLike(value) {
return value !=null&&typeof value =='object';
// Lodash code ends here
function isFunction(value) {
return value instanceofFunction;
function makeArray(v) {
return isArrayLike(v) &&typeof v !=='string'? slice(v) : [v];
function isNode(el) {
return el instanceof Node;
function isObjectLikeNotArray(value) {
return isObjectLike(value) &&!isArrayLike(value);
* 深度对象合并
* @param {Object} src 需要扩展的对象。
* @param {Object} [...ext] 待扩展的属性。
*/function merge(src) {
slice(arguments, 1).forEach(function (ext) {
if (isObjectLikeNotArray(ext)) {
Object.keys(ext).forEach(function (key) {
var value = ext[key];
if (isObjectLikeNotArray(value)) {
if (!src[key]) {
src[key] = {};
merge(src[key], value);
} else {
src[key] = value;
return src;
function appendChildren(container, children) {
children.forEach(function (children) {
makeArray(children).forEach(function (child) {
if (child || child ==='') {
container.appendChild(isNode(child) ? child :document.createTextNode(child));
return container;
* 建立一个 HTML 元素
* @param {String|Function} tag 元素标签,或传入 Stateless 组件函数。
* @param {Object.<String.String|Bool|Number>} [attrs = {}] 元素属性集合。
* @param {Array.<String|Node>|String|Node} [...children] 子元素集合。
*/function h(tag, attrs) {
var children = slice(arguments, 2);
// Stateless 组件建立
if (isFunction(tag)) {
return tag(Object.assign({ children }, attrs));
var el = merge(document.createElement(tag), attrs);
return appendChildren(el, children);
h.Fragment =function Fragment({ children }) {
return appendChildren(document.createDocumentFragment(), children);
return h;
* 将建立的元素挂载到一个 HTML 节点 (会先暴力清空节点内容)。
* @param {HTMLElement} mnt 挂载点。
* @param {Node} node HTML 元素或节点。
*/function mount(mnt, node) {
mnt.innerHTML ='';
Use with pre-processor (e.g. babel)
/** @jsx h */var app = (
<h1>Test: <code>test</code></h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis ornare velit.</p>
<p>Nullam interdum, lorem non volutpat auctor, quam ante tempus massa, eget dignissim ligula erat non arcu.</p>
mount(document.getElementById("app"), app);
Without pre-processor
var app = h(
h('h1', null, 'Test: ', h('code', null, 'test')),
{ className:'post' },
h('p', null, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quis ornare velit.'),
'Nullam interdum, lorem non volutpat auctor, quam ante tempus massa, eget dignissim ligula erat non arcu.',
mount(document.getElementById('app'), app);
Stateless components
/** @jsx h */(function (root) {
function UnsafeHtml({ html }) {
var div = (<i />);
div.innerHTML = html;
return div.childNodes;
function ExternalLink({ className, href, children }) {
return (
<aclassName={className} href={href} target="_blank">
function Author({ author, uri }) {
var AuthorTag = uri ? ExternalLink :"i";
return (
{author ||"无名氏"}
function Comment({ website, author, uri, text }) {
return (
<AuthorclassName="author"author={author} uri={website} />
(来源: <ExternalLinkhref={``+ uri}>{uri}</ExternalLink>)
<UnsafeHtmlhtml={text} />
function App({ comments }) {
return (
{ => (
<Comment {...comment} />
var xhr =new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/latest");
xhr.onload = xhr.onerror =function () {
var data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
mount(root, <App {} />);
} catch (error) {
root.textContent ="获取评论出错。";
ZIP archive pretending as a .dat file (e.g. animation.pak)
Packed ogg files (e.g. bgm.pak)
Packed wav files (e.g. se.pak)
100% Orange Pak decryptor v1.1
by: Jixun Moe<>
This tool is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind,
and commercial usage is strictly prohibited.
OrangeDecryptor <input> <output> [mode]
mode is the decryption mode; it can be one of the following:
dat Apply dat decryption. Note: Any file not recognised will fallback to this mode.
zip Extract file as zip to output(as directory), then apply dat decryption (if ending with .dat).
ogg Seperate audio file to different files; name pattern: [output]/[000].ogg
wav Extract WAV sound (Sound Effects & Voice) from pak archive.
auto Default; it will check the file header and perform action.